Upgrade your Warehouse

Increase the efficiency and optimise the inventory by 20%.

Check the WMS system

New Model of Transport

Optimise routes using artificial intelligence and reduce the transport costs by 5%.

Check the TMS system

Optimization of loading and unloading

Increase facility performance and reduce personnel costs by 20% 

Check the YMS system

Fixed asset digtial revolution

Carry out an inventory on your phone in 60 seconds using barcodes and RFID.

Check the AMS system



Choose a system which will fulfil your needs. Solve your business challenges with the help of solutions based on innovative tools, reliable machines and novel IT technologies. These will help to optimise and automate the work of your company. The offered solutions are dedicated to businesses willing to scale as well as those currently in the process of change. To implement key tasks, we focus on the use of two innovative systems: WMS Optipromag and TMS Falcon. The goal of the WMS system is to manage storage processes and support production. In turn, the TMS program allows you to optimise all activities related to the transport of goods. Another of our solutions is the OPTIEST system, which we use to manage and record fixed assets as well as to carry out asset inventory based on the barcode and RFID technology.


Application of this program will make fixed assets management much faster. AMS Opitest will help you in recording as well as inventory of fixed assets. This is possible thanks to the use of bar codes 1D or 2D, as well as RFID, which allow to mark assets. However, that's not all because of the feature automating the census process, you will save a lot of time, and at the same time you will be sure that the data you have collected is reliable and error free. Such automation is a real revolution that allows you to conveniently document all operations and quickly perform an error-free inventory.
Fast work, good performance and proper communication in the production hall or warehouse are not enough, if not you invest in proper transport management. The TMS Falcon system will not only allow you to plan your transport goods, but also facilitate their settlement and enable analysis. What's more, thanks to it you can influence the choice of routes, which drivers move, as well as their best optimization. In this way you save not only time, but also money, and you gain speed and reliability that give you a greater chance of being leader in the field.



Optymalizuj procesy na każdym etapie zarządzania: dystrybucji, transportu, produkcji czy automatycznej identyfikacji środków trwałych. Osiągnij wysoką wydajność dzięki kompleksowym usługom wykonanym przez profesjonalistów.

Musisz przeprowadzić inwentaryzację środków trwałych? Wykonamy ją za Ciebie w krótkim czasie i w oparciu o nowoczesne narzędzia. Zadbamy o dobrze oznakowany majątek firmy, abyś jednym kliknięciem mógł wygenerować zbiorczy raport inwentaryzacji. Chciałbyś poprawić procesy logistyczne? Doradzimy i wskażemy możliwości usprawnienia działań na magazynie za sprawą audytu logistycznego. Potrzebujesz bezbłędnie zaprojektować sieć radiową? Nasi inżynierowie opracują dokładny jej model. Porozmawiajmy o tym, co możemy zrobić dla Twojej firmy.


Optimise processes at every stage of management: distribution; transport; production or automatic identification of fixed assets. Achieve high-performance thanks to the comprehensive services provided by specialised professionals.


Do you need to carry out an inventory of fixed assets? We will do it for you in a short time frame using modern tools. We will take care of labelling the company assets so that you can generate a summary of the inventory report with a single click. Would you like to improve your logistics processes? We will advise you on how to do so while pointing out the possibilities of warehouse operations improvement by means of through a logistical audit. Do you need to design an error-free radio network? Our engineers will develop its exact model for you. Let's talk about what we can do for your business.


Optimieren Sie Prozesse in jeder Phase des Managements: Vertrieb, Transport, Produktion oder automatische Identifizierung des Anlagevermögens. Erzielen Sie hohe Leistung dank umfassender Dienstleistungen von Fachleuten. Müssen Sie eine Bestandsaufnahme des Anlagevermögens durchführen? Wir machen es in kurzer Zeit für Sie und basieren auf modernen Werkzeugen. Wir kümmern uns um gut markierte Unternehmensressourcen, damit Sie mit einem Klick einen zusammenfassenden Inventarbericht erstellen können. Möchten Sie die Logistikprozesse verbessern? Wir beraten Sie und zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie mit einem Logistik-Audit Ihren Lagerbetrieb verbessern können.


Brauchen Sie ein einwandfreies Funknetz zu entwerfen? Unsere Ingenieure werden das genaue Modell entwickeln. Lassen Sie uns darüber sprechen, was wir für Ihr Unternehmen tun können.




Economical asset management will enable you to use devices that are used to automatically identify fixed assets. Tools used to improve work efficiency are characterised primarily by factors such as precision, durability, and high efficiency.


We will assist you at every stage of the changes you choose to make. From choosing the right equipment, delivery of necessary tools within a specified time frame, through possible repairs and support on how to correctly operate the equipment.


In order to facilitate reaching these objectives, we offer barcode printers and scanners, hand and trolley terminals as well as wireless LAN / LAN networks.


Business success can be achieved thanks to modern technologies. These provide a lot of innovative solutions that allow us to improve the effectiveness in the field of enterprise development. Meeting the challenges posed by logistics and production operations is possible through process optimisation; error elimination; efficiency increase and better use of the already available resources.


Optimising the enterprise's work and increasing efficiency are possible thanks to the use of modern solutions that facilitate communication. Such technologies include Wi-Fi and RFID networks designed by our company. Examples include the radio wave system used for data transmission and POWERvoice solution that uses verbal communication to transfer data between people and the system.

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